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Dimensional Data



Reporting Marks:   SNR

Era:  1952

Locale:  Appalachian coal road, Virginia tidewater to Great Lakes and Ohio River 

Prototype:  Proto-freelance

Scale:   HO

Size:   15x30 feet, plus stacked staging loops

Length of Mainline:   2.5 scale miles (visible)

Completion:  Track & all infrastructure 100%, scenery 60%.

Track:  Code 83 mainline, code 70 secondary, code 70 and 55 spurs.

Control:  NCE, with radio throttles (Cab06r)

Decoders:  Tsunami (sound), Lenz (non-sound engines in sound consists), some factory BLI.

Turnouts:  70+, Shinohara

Turnout control:  Tortoise, with controls on local and remote panels

Signaling:   Color-position (only two in existence yet, controlling staging entry/exit).

Cars:  285, plus passenger and off-layout storage.

Locomotives:  46

Locomotive types:  Heritage steam, Atlas RS1's, Stewart F's, Proto E's, Paragon light steam, plus a buncha other stuff.  1st priority is reliable operation, 2nd is prototype fitness, 3rd is detail quality

Operations:   Attempt at reasonable prototype fidelity.  Trains called by sequence without fast clock.

"Uptight" Level:  Non-zero, but mostly laid back.

Orders/instructions:   Modified Form 19 

Clearance:   Verbal from dispatcher

Communications:   PBX phone system

CAPY:  5 + dispatcher

LD LMT:  6 + dispatcher

LT WT:  5

NEW:   5-93

BLT:   6-02

IL:  30-0

IW:  15-0

IH:  8-0

EXW:  21-8

CU FT:   4080

Located in:   Cincinnati.

Go:  Reds.

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